This website contains Youtube links to multiple videos pertaining to Edwin Vincent Grays technology. The videos are on my channel and they're unedited from how I received them. The ZETEX video is complete, not white-washed or muted in certain parts to hide information or cause unnecessary mystery where it doesn't belong. Below the videos are downloadable links to PDF files of conversations I've had with Grok3 that more or less confirmed my initial theory on how Edwin Vincent Grays technology worked.
The hope I have with this website is to finish exploring what Edwin Vincent Gray created and come to a consensus about his technology, help each other build a proof of concept and implement it in modern society if it's found to be beneficial.
I will periodically update this website with new information and/or videos as I'm able to. This includes explanations of how GPE works as well as future projects that will provide proof of concept of GPE working.
Proof of concept
Below is a proof of concept for GPE technology. I should have this built in the next couple of weeks(it is 03/13/2025 as of typing this). This project aims to show four separate things.
*Using pulsed DC power stepped up to 1000V to create plasma inside of the neon bulb.
*Creating free electrons with the neon bulb in circuit, thus powering the load.
*Running the 12V DC motor at cooler than normal operating temperatures by eliminating a portion of thermal waste by use of the free electrons and the feedback system.
*To show current flowing from the load(12V DC motor) with an inline ammeter back to the battery to recharge it with recycled plwer.
File "1970'SGPE" contains 31 pages of prompts with Grok3 citing the basic principal on how Edwin Vincent Grays technology likely worked.
File "CORRECT_MATH" contains 178 pages of prompts with Grok3 going over multiple calculations to insure everything stayed in the laws of known physics as well as explaining in great detail how the GPE system would work.
File "OVERUNITY_DISCREPANCY" contains 41 pages of prompts with Grok3 breaking down claims and confusion of over-unity with Edwin Vincent Grays technology.
File "HH_APPLIANCES" illustrates the efficiency gain common household appliances would gain if they were to be powered by GPE.
File "GPE_POWER_PLANT" explains how GPE technology could, in theory, be installed at power plants and used to transfer power more efficiently from the source to the load.
File "CAL_ERROR_CORRECTION" contains information on the error that caused over-unity(impossible according to physics).
File "GPE_SCHEMATICS" contains detailed instructions on how to build a GPE system with 2025 based technology.
File "CT_SCHEMATICS" contains detailed information on how to build the Conversion Tube with 2025 based technology.
File "OTHER_WAYS_FREE_ELECTRONS" contains multiple ways to free electrons for use in a GPE based system.
File "STEP_BY_STEP" contains extremely detailed information on how a 2025 technology based GPE system would work and its benefits.
File "A1A" details how a neon bulb will serve as s scaled down version of a fully functioning conversion tube in a proof of concept prototype.
*NOTE* The questions asked or directions that Grok3 was told to go in begin with "~QUESTION~" and end with "~".